Book Review: The Tech-Wise Family

This book review was included in the May 2018 Meadowcroft Monthly. For an archive of all book reviews, click here.

The Tech-Wise Family is by Andy Crouch – author of several helpful books such as Culture Making and Strong and Weak. In this book, Crouch sets out to offer practical helps to families that are overwhelmed with technology.


As we all know, parents in this generation are dealing with a completely new set of issues in regard to technology. Crouch’s book comes with practically the best possible endorsement – his daughter’s! Discussing her Mom & Dad’s decision to not have a TV in their house while the kids were young, she says:

“If you’re worrying that not having a TV will wreak havoc on your child’s life, don’t worry. Well, maybe it will wreak havoc, but it’ll be the good kind.  “

Part of the helpful nature of Crouch’s book is that he does not lay down an exact, extrabiblical commandment for every parental decision. Rather, he expounds on ten “tech-wise commitments,” including:

·       We want to create more than we consume

·       We wake up before our devices do, and they “go to bed” before we do.

·       We use screens for a purpose, and we use them together, rather than aimlessly and alone.

I was convicted, challenged, encouraged and helped by this book. Especially if you are a parent of teenagers or younger – it is highly worth your time.